Uri class Null safety

A parsed URI, such as a URL.

To create a URI with specific components, use new Uri:

var httpsUri = Uri(
    scheme: 'https',
    host: 'dart.dev',
    path: '/guides/libraries/library-tour',
    fragment: 'numbers');
print(httpsUri); // https://dart.cn/guides/libraries/library-tour#numbers

httpsUri = Uri(
    scheme: 'https',
    host: 'example.com',
    path: '/page/',
    queryParameters: {'search': 'blue', 'limit': '10'});
print(httpsUri); // https://example.com/page/?search=blue&limit=10

final mailtoUri = Uri(
    scheme: 'mailto',
    path: 'John.Doe@example.com',
    queryParameters: {'subject': 'Example'});
print(mailtoUri); // mailto:John.Doe@example.com?subject=Example


To create a URI with https scheme, use Uri.https or Uri.http:

final httpsUri = Uri.https('example.com', 'api/fetch', {'limit': '10'});
print(httpsUri); // https://example.com/api/fetch?limit=10

File URI

To create a URI from file path, use Uri.file:

final fileUriUnix =
    Uri.file(r'/home/myself/images/image.png', windows: false);
print(fileUriUnix); // file:///home/myself/images/image.png

final fileUriWindows =
    Uri.file(r'C:\Users\myself\Documents\image.png', windows: true);
print(fileUriWindows); // file:///C:/Users/myself/Documents/image.png

If the URI is not a file URI, calling this throws UnsupportedError.

Directory URI

Like Uri.file except that a non-empty URI path ends in a slash.

final fileDirectory =
    Uri.directory('/home/myself/data/image', windows: false);
print(fileDirectory); // file:///home/myself/data/image/

final fileDirectoryWindows = Uri.directory('/data/images', windows: true);
print(fileDirectoryWindows); //  file:///data/images/

URI from string

To create a URI from string, use Uri.parse or Uri.tryParse:

final uri = Uri.parse(
print(uri); // https://dart.cn
print(uri.isScheme('https')); // true
print(uri.origin); // https://dart.cn
print(uri.host); // dart.dev
print(uri.authority); // dart.dev
print(uri.port); // 443
print(uri.path); // guides/libraries/library-tour
print(uri.pathSegments); // [guides, libraries, library-tour]
print(uri.fragment); // utility-classes
print(uri.hasQuery); // false
print(uri.data); // null

See also:


Uri({String? scheme, String? userInfo, String? host, int? port, String? path, Iterable<String>? pathSegments, String? query, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, String? fragment})
Creates a new URI from its components. [...]
Uri.dataFromBytes(List<int> bytes, {String mimeType = "application/octet-stream", Map<String, String>? parameters, bool percentEncoded = false})
Creates a data: URI containing an encoding of bytes. [...]
Uri.dataFromString(String content, {String? mimeType, Encoding? encoding, Map<String, String>? parameters, bool base64 = false})
Creates a data: URI containing the content string. [...]
Uri.directory(String path, {bool? windows})
Like Uri.file except that a non-empty URI path ends in a slash. [...]
Uri.file(String path, {bool? windows})
Creates a new file URI from an absolute or relative file path. [...]
Uri.http(String authority, String unencodedPath, [Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters])
Creates a new http URI from authority, path and query. [...]
Uri.https(String authority, String unencodedPath, [Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters])
Creates a new https URI from authority, path and query. [...]


authority String
The authority component. [...]
data UriData?
Access the structure of a data: URI. [...]
fragment String
The fragment identifier component. [...]
hasAbsolutePath bool
Whether the URI has an absolute path (starting with '/').
hasAuthority bool
Whether the URI has an authority component.
hasEmptyPath bool
Whether the URI has an empty path.
hasFragment bool
Whether the URI has a fragment part.
hashCode int
Returns a hash code computed as toString().hashCode. [...]
read-only, override
hasPort bool
Whether the URI has an explicit port. [...]
hasQuery bool
Whether the URI has a query part.
hasScheme bool
Whether the URI has a scheme component.
host String
The host part of the authority component. [...]
isAbsolute bool
Whether the URI is absolute. [...]
origin String
Returns the origin of the URI in the form scheme://host:port for the schemes http and https. [...]
path String
The path component. [...]
pathSegments List<String>
The URI path split into its segments. [...]
port int
The port part of the authority component. [...]
query String
The query component. [...]
queryParameters Map<String, String>
The URI query split into a map according to the rules specified for FORM post in the HTML 4.01 specification section 17.13.4. [...]
queryParametersAll Map<String, List<String>>
Returns the URI query split into a map according to the rules specified for FORM post in the HTML 4.01 specification section 17.13.4. [...]
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
scheme String
The scheme component of the URI. [...]
userInfo String
The user info part of the authority component. [...]


isScheme(String scheme) bool
Whether the scheme of this Uri is scheme. [...]
normalizePath() Uri
Returns a URI where the path has been normalized. [...]
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
removeFragment() Uri
Creates a Uri that differs from this only in not having a fragment. [...]
replace({String? scheme, String? userInfo, String? host, int? port, String? path, Iterable<String>? pathSegments, String? query, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, String? fragment}) Uri
Creates a new Uri based on this one, but with some parts replaced. [...]
resolve(String reference) Uri
Resolve reference as an URI relative to this. [...]
resolveUri(Uri reference) Uri
Resolve reference as a URI relative to this. [...]
toFilePath({bool? windows}) String
Creates a file path from a file URI. [...]
toString() String
The normalized string representation of the URI.


operator ==(Object other) bool
A URI is equal to another URI with the same normalized representation.

Static Properties

base Uri
The natural base URI for the current platform. [...]

Static Methods

decodeComponent(String encodedComponent) String
Decodes the percent-encoding in encodedComponent. [...]
decodeFull(String uri) String
Decodes the percent-encoding in uri. [...]
decodeQueryComponent(String encodedComponent, {Encoding encoding = utf8}) String
Decodes the percent-encoding in encodedComponent, converting pluses to spaces. [...]
encodeComponent(String component) String
Encode the string component using percent-encoding to make it safe for literal use as a URI component. [...]
encodeFull(String uri) String
Encodes the string uri using percent-encoding to make it safe for literal use as a full URI. [...]
encodeQueryComponent(String component, {Encoding encoding = utf8}) String
Encodes the string component according to the HTML 4.01 rules for encoding the posting of a HTML form as a query string component. [...]
parse(String uri, [int start = 0, int? end]) Uri
Creates a new Uri object by parsing a URI string. [...]
parseIPv4Address(String host) List<int>
Parses the host as an IP version 4 (IPv4) address, returning the address as a list of 4 bytes in network byte order (big endian). [...]
parseIPv6Address(String host, [int start = 0, int? end]) List<int>
Parses the host as an IP version 6 (IPv6) address. [...]
splitQueryString(String query, {Encoding encoding = utf8}) Map<String, String>
Splits the query into a map according to the rules specified for FORM post in the HTML 4.01 specification section 17.13.4. [...]
tryParse(String uri, [int start = 0, int? end]) Uri?
Creates a new Uri object by parsing a URI string. [...]